Ascultam Red Blonde-Nu am cu cine. Se pare ca playlist-ul serii ma duce intr'o "creative mood" daca pot spune asa.
Sambata am facut o mica vizita la TNB. Profa de romana a avut dreptate cand spunea ca repriza de shopping dinaintea piesei ne'a stricat atentia. Dar, trecand peste oboseala, lipsa de chef si gandurile ce se indeptau numai spre paharul ala cu esenta fericirii [da paharul ala de 10 lei plin cu gheata si cafea de la starbucks..i`m a freak..], piesa a fost superba. Sanziana si Pepelea intr'o distributie superba si o interpretare desavarsita..
Asta nu m'a facut decat sa'mi dau seama ca toti oamenii cu un iq la limita care sustin ca Romania nu are cultura se inseala amarnic. Romania are cultura, numai ca noi nu stim unde sa o cautam.
As putea acum sa incep sa insir nume si domenii de activitate, dar e'n zadar. Privim in gol dupa Magda "Ciumeg", Sexy "Betivanca" si desigur, Simona "Sentimental", asa ca orice argument care ar pune oamenii intr'o lumina buna e de prisos.
In rest, toate bune si frumoase. Sunt din ce in ce mai scarbita de oameni. In momentul de fata as fi preferat sa fiu maimuta si sa mananc furnici, decat sa suport atata parsivitate si ipocrizie. Pretentiile mele legate de cultura sunt zero pe langa aspiratiile fetelor din generatia mea. Cum i'am spus cuiva intr'o seara:"Fetele vor doar un portofel lung." Da, lung. Si cam atat.
Fiecare trage concluziile lui..
leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you
it's the wrong time for somebody new
it's a small crime and i got no excuse
and is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah, with you?
leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
it's the wrong kind of place to be cheating on you
it's the wrong time she's pulling me through
it's a small crime and i got no excuse
and is that alright yeah?
if i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright?
is that alright with you?
is that alright yeah?
if i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright yeah?
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it?
is that alright yeah?
i give my gun away when it's loaded
is that alright
is that alright with you
and is that alright yeah?
is that alright
is that alright
is that alright with you?
e doar o..stare de spirit. numeste'o'mi pasa.. is that allright?